Blog - Commercial Flat Roofing Specialist

How to know whether to repair or replace your commercial roof

Written by Etheridge Roofing | Jul 12, 2022 5:52:00 PM

If you own or manage a commercial building, then you have a big responsibility: keeping it in tip-top shape. That's especially true when it comes to your roof. A cracked or leaking roof can cost thousands of dollars in repairs and replacements and stall your day to day business, but the right roofing company can help you keep your business running smoothly. Here are some common signs that your commercial roof may need replacing:

My roof is old, but looks OK. Do I need a new roof?

The age of your roof is one of the main factors to consider when making the decision to repair or replace. How often a roof needs to be replaced is not one size fits all as this normally depends on your roof type and materials. However, even if your roof looks OK, if it is 20-25 years old, it's wiser to go ahead and replace. If your roof is approaching or has passed the 15 year mark, it would be wise to keep an eye on it for wear and tear.

My flat roof is sagging and/or bubbling. Do I need a new roof?

A flat roof is more vulnerable to damage than a pitched roof.

Flat roofs are exposed to the elements and are therefore more susceptible to damage from wind, hail, water, UV rays, and rodents. This can cause your flat roof to sag or bubble which will require you to repair it immediately. If you don’t address these issues soon enough, you could end up with leaks that require replacement instead of repair work.

Your flat roof should be constructed in such a way that water does not pool at top. This does not mean something cannot malfunction with your drainage system, this can lead to leaks and soft spots on your roof. Make sure to repair it immediately.

My energy bill has gone up recently. Do I need a new roof?

A new roof can be a good way to reduce your energy costs, as it helps maintain the interior climate of your building. If you’ve noticed your energy bill increasing and have crossed out other possibilities as to why this is happening, a damaged roof might be culpable.

Can extreme weather damage my flat roof?

Yes, extreme weather such as heavy wind, snow, hail, or rain can cause damage to your flat roof. But also be aware that regular seasonal weather conditions can damage your roof or cause it to wear down over time. Change in temperatures, direct sunlight, constant rain, etc., can affect the quality of your roof.


Keep an eye out for mold or puddling water as you want to catch these early on before they cause serious damage and you find yourself at a point beyond repair.


A commercial roof may not need to be replaced if there's only one problem area, but if there's more than one problem area it may be time for a complete replacement.

As you can see, there are many factors that go into determining whether your commercial roof needs to be replaced. The most important thing is to have it inspected by Etheridge Roofing who will be able to tell you what condition your roof is in and what repairs need to be made before deciding on whether or not replacement should occur.